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A Couplet On Muhammad ﷺ

Muhammad (God's peace and blessings be upon him).

The Last Messenger Of God In Christian And Hindu Scriptures.

He will be mentioned in every scripture sent by Me, God said;

By whom the last of Mankind well be led.

Just to give you a parable;

Read the following to recognise the impeccable.

Describing Him as The Spirit of Truth:

Jesus gave glad tidings to the youth.

And said God will give you another Comforter;

Who will come after me to abide with you forever.

John 16:12-13 “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth.."

John 14:16 "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another comforter to help you and be with you forever"

Hindus don't have to search far;

Because He's there in the Puranas mentioned as "Kalki Avatar".

His father's name will be Vishnuyasha and mother's will be Sumati;

Muhammad's parents name was the same, so how can you doubt Him not to be the Kalki?

Vishnuyasha means 'slave of God', Sumati means 'devoted or pious' and that's 'Abdullah' and 'Aamina' in Arabic;

For those among Hindus who seek for truth will recognise Muhammad as the Kalki, in a flick.

Kalki Purana 2:4 "I (i.e., Kalki) will take birth in the house of a brahmana named Vishnuyasha, from the womb of his wife, Sumati."

I ask you not to waste time waiting for Him;

He came and He left so be quick to make a whim.

It's not a coincidence, that Muhammad is mentioned in the former scriptures;

Because God foretold about Him just to give us a better picture.


Jesus (peace be upon him) informed his followers/disciples that God will send down 'another' Prophet who would come after him (as mentioned in John 14:16). The word 'another' is an evidence in and of itself that there shall be only one Prophet to come after him. And John 16:13-14 says "He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come" directing us to the verse of the Quran 53:3-5 where Allah says “And he (i.e., Prophet Muhammad) does not speak of his own desires, he speaks what he hears from God (i.e., revelation)”.

John 16:14 says that Jesus said "He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you." This directs us to the fact that Jesus is mentioned '34 times' in the Quran and considered as one among the 5 'Ulul 'Azm' i.e., The Greatest Messengers Of God, the Quran truly glorifies Jesus when it makes mentions of miracles performed by him and that he was supported by the Archangel Gabriel, to mention a few. The Quran clearly rejects and condemns any idea of the Christians saying Jesus is God. Quran states, Jesus was a human and a Messenger of God and nothing more than that hence Jesus in John 16:14 says "He (the prophet to come after him i.e., Muhammad) will take of what is Mine (Jesus's reality) and declare it to you" (including his true teachings).

The predictions of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are present in all the scriptures that came down from God, similarly we find it in the Hindu scriptures where it says that during the last age i.e., Kali Yugu, there will be an emergence of the last Avatar of Vishnu/God, his mission will be to defeat the evil forces of the world and establish a just rule.

In the Bhagavat Purana (12:2:20), it is said about the Final Avatar that, "the one whose grace is unparalleled, who moves around on an extremely swift horse, whose foreskin is removed, and who has the authority of a king, he will be the one to destroy innumerable war lords and bandits". [In this verse, a very peculiar characteristic of the Final Avatar is mentioned. That he will have his foreskin removed, in other words he will be circumcised, puts the case of recognising the Ultimate Sage beyond any doubt.]

We find that Prophet Muhammad received a heavenly horse from God called Buraq who's speed was that of light, riding which he made his holy journey, known as the Mi'raj or the Ascension, to the Heavens. We also find that Prophet Muhammad was circumcised and commanded all the Muslims to circumcise. It is said in Kalki Purana (2:5) that Kalki Avatar, with four of his Companions, will disarm Kali i.e. thee Devil. Likewise, Prophet Muhammad and four of his famous Companions, fought off the mischief of the Devil. The four Companions are: Abu Bakr, 'Umar, 'Uthman and 'Ali. After Muhammad, these Companions became his successors and spread the religion of Islam and the creed of One God.

Bhagavat Purana (12:2:21) says Kalki's body odour will be sweet-smelling, the fragrance of which will purify the heart and mind of people around him. Similarly the sweet smell that emitted from the body of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was well-known. It is narrated that the hands of the one who shook hands with Prophet Muhammad would remain fragrant all day. - Shamail Tirmidhi

Sahih al-Bukhari 3561 states Anas bin Malik said: “I have never touched silk softer than the palm of the Prophet Muhammad nor have I smelt a perfume nicer than the sweat of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).”

I have mentioned only a few, out of many predictions about Prophet Muhammad in the Christian and Hindu scriptures and obviously there is much more of Prophet Muhammad present in those scriptures.

For those wanna explore more can read

Muhammad in the Bible a booklet by &

Kalki Avatar aur Muhammad Saheb by Dr. Ved Prakash Upaddhay

God says "Those to whom We gave the Scripture recognise him [i.e., Muhammad] as they recognise their own sons. But indeed, a party of them conceal the truth while they know [it]. [Quran 2:146]


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