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Israel’s attack on Iran – A Catalyst towards the Great War

I have decided to re-upload this blog which I had written in 2021, due to dramatic events unfolding in the past two months with the Russian military intervention in Ukraine, I am of the opinion the Zionists have now decided that they cannot wait any longer for Pax Judaica to commence hence before the great war commences they have gone ahead with the war in Ukraine which indirectly is being used for the de-dollarization process and getting us closer to nuclear war. But before the great war, the next big event coming up during the next 6-12 months could be an Israeli strike on Iran which will be the final nail in the coffin for the US dollar.

Iran is the greatest enemy of Israel, I am determined to halt it. We are hitting it in the entire region.” ( Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime minister of Israel).

“The Iranian nuclear escalation must be stalled. If not, we must stand independently and we must defend ourselves” (Benny Gantz, Minister of Defence & Alternate Prime minister, Israel)

We are in the very moment of our times that the Zionist Israeli attack on Iran which now appears to be not only fairly certain but also just around the corner. We say that Israel wants to attack Iran not just because it is a threat to it but also that the State of Israel ultimately wants to rule the world. Because the Judeo-Christian-Zionist-European alliance wants to deliver to the State of Israel the status of the ruling state in the world. To those who are beating the drums of war in the Arab world ( Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain) and looking forward to the attack on Iran, then you are beating drums of the unjust war and you are on the side of oppressor. Eventually it can lead to the Sunni-Shia civil war. And what benefit would be for the Zionists in this Sunni- Shia civil war..? They want Islam to look terrible on the world stage. To inculcate negativity and more and more hatred in the hearts of non muslims for Islam across the globe. Surely the attack on Iran will be the final nail in the coffin for the USA after which we will witness the Great War (World War 3).

Israel has a unique distinction that continuously escapes the attention of the scribes , scholars and politicians. It is the only state in the world which has continuously waged unjust war with disdain for gentile opinion. We try to explain to the viewers why the Zionists want to attack Iran and what is the actual masterplan. Iran has not done anything to provoke a war but it is Israel which is lusting for war and by hook or by crook they want to create such a situation or rather we will say such a deception that will justify their mission to attack Iran’s nuclear sites.

Let us explain if and when Israel attacks Iran what are going to be the consequences for the whole world and what benefit will it give to the state of Israel?

An Israeli attack on Iran will give them control of Iran’s oil and gas, in addition to the rest of the gulf oil already under their direct or indirect control. When Israel attacks the nuclear sites the price of the oil will rise as well as the gold. Few people seem to realise that when the price of gold “goes up” it actually amounts to the value of the US dollar “going down”. The US dollar has kept its strength because of imperial American control over its oil exporting client- states, insisting that the dollar must be the currency used for the purchase of oil. An attack on Iran will lead to the closure of the strategic “Strait of Hormuz” through which 25-40% of the world oil trade passes. If Iran were to carry such a threat then the big oil producers such as Kuwait and the UAE would be unable to export oil to Japan , China and the rest of the world. This will lead to the meltdown of the fraudulent US dollar and will lead to a collapse of the dollar. It will ultimately lead to a fall in the paper money of the world as all the paper currencies are dependent on the US dollar.

When we read history it is important that we connect the dots. Let us go back in time, when Great Britain was the ruling state in the world, Pound sterling was the leading currency in the world (Pax Britannica ). At that time Zionists required two big wars ( WW1 AND WW2) to replace it with Pax Americana and when USA took over Britain the US dollar became the leading currency in the world and now we are located at a time in history when Pax Americana is about to go and be replaced by Pax Judaica in which we will have electronic money and digital money with one central bank controlled by the Zionists. It is surely not by accident but by deception the monetary system was designed in such a way so that we eventually reach the stage of electronic money!

According to the leading economists the US dollar is at an irreversible decline and the pandemic has wrecked havoc through the economies of the world and shaken up the monetary system ( again we will InshaAllah explain about if the pandemic was designed for precisely this event). Control over money could also be used to buy the allegiance of the rich who would grow constantly richer, and who would join the oppressor and assist him in controlling the world. It would also reduce the poor to such impotence that they become helpless to resist oppression. That is precisely the state of the world today and it constitutes a critically important goal of the master-plan.

Will Israel use nuclear weapons to attack Iran?

The lightning Israeli attack on Iraq’s Osiraq nuclear reactor in June 1981, shortly before the reactor was scheduled to go into operation, resulted in its complete destruction. Nuclear weapons could be used, for example, to destroy Iran’s oil and gas installations that it would be impossible to restore the export for the Iranian companies. Nuclear weapons can be used so that the nuclear sites are completely damaged and Iran can never restore it again. Also, Israel would want to show the world the power that they posses if and when they do attack with nuclear weapons similarly to what the US showed when they killed millions of innocent people unjustly by dropping two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The time has now come for Euro- Israel to drop the curtains that have hitherto cleverly concealed her, and assume her pre-planned leadership role in waging her own interest. USA and Britain would then play uncomfortably new supporting roles in this final stage of their unholy triple alliance. Such an Israeli led war could possibly witness the introduction of new weapons of warfare never used or even seen before. Israel wants to rule the world so that tomorrow a person will stand up in Jerusalem and proclaim that he is the Messiah. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) told us that this man will be a Jew , powerfully built, he will have curls on his sides(like that of the orthodox jews), he will be blind in his right eye (meaning internally blind) and he will proclaim to be the Messiah. That day is not far when we will see this man standing up in Jerusalem because Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has given us a timeline of events as he said “ When Jerusalem is flourishing ( meaning when Jerusalem is centre stage of the world e.g like London which was the financial capital of the world and now New York) then look at Yatrib(old name of Madina) it will be in forlorn desolation and then the next event will be the Great War ( a war in which every 99 out of 100 combatants will die) then after the Great War a Muslim army will conquer Constantinople (Istanbul) and after that Dajjal( Anti Christ) will appear in human form.

We are now located in time when Jerusalem is already on its way to centre stage as Israel is becoming a technology hub of the world and all the financial bank are under control of the Jews that is why they also call New York as Jew York. All that they need is the collapse of the US dollar to move the financial capital from New York to Jerusalem. So, we are at very precarious point in time when Israel is ready to wage a war on the whole of humanity and all that they need is a catalyst for that great war and that is the attack on Iran and then that will lead them to an eventual masterplan that is Russia.

The Almighty Allah says in the holy Quran “They plot and plan, and Allah too plans; but the best of planners is Allah”(8:30).Yes it is the destiny for The State of Israel to become the ruling state in the world but remember it is also their beginning towards an End. The Quran says in chapter( 17:8) ; If you return ( i.e to the holy land with your wickedness and oppression) We would return with our punishment. Today there is wickedness and oppression in the holy land(Jerusalem) as Israel is killing people like only a beast of the land can.

Let us be united whether we belong to any religion and let us not be afraid to call the oppressor a spade when Zionists regime is that spade.

May Almighty Guide Us Towards the Straight Path.



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