One of the great dangers the people belonging to one true religion face is the danger of Ribā, it is a subject that we have either ignored or have lacked the capacity to penetrate. The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) made it abundantly clear that the greater danger to the integrity of the Ummah and of the Īmān (or faith) of the believers would come from Ribā. Most of the scholars of Islām have ignored this subject, which is the reason why most people do not know about this subject.
Following the one true religion is not only about beliefs! without right conduct ‘beliefs’ are insufficient to conform to the substance of the true religion. We are justified in declaring that those who follow the true religion can be recognized, not just by their belief in the one God, but by their right conduct as well.
When the poor are permanently poor and the rich are permentanly rich, that is oppression. All around the world today that economic oppression exists and is constantly increasing, the poor grow poorer and the rich, richer because Ribā is at work!
What is Ribā?
Ribā is usury, usury is commonly understood as the lending of money at an illegally high rate of interest. But Ribā or usury in Islam is the lending of money on interest, regardless of the rate of interest!
When money is lent on interest, then money by itself, independent of any labor or effort or the possibility of any risk, increases over time. The increase is realized through the exploitation of labor, goods, property. Since Allāh, the Most High has unambiguously declared nothing can be had without effort or labor, the business of money lending (on interest) involves no risk, no labor or effort through which money lender is guaranteed profit.
"Those who consume Ribā or interest cannot stand [on the Day of Resurrection] except as one stands who is being beaten by Satan into insanity. That is because they say, “Trade is [just] like Ribā (interest).” Sūrah Al-Baqarah 2:275
But Allāh has permitted trade and has forbidden Ribā.
If somebody wants to invest money in a market for business he could make profit or there’s a possibility for him to suffer a loss but the one who lends money on interest suffers no loss and that’s why the Allāh prohibited it. When an economy is based on usury then the money will no longer circulate through the economy which ensures the rich to remain permanently rich and the poor will be imprisoned in permanent poverty.
Ribā is also at work when wealth is sucked from the masses through deception and other forms of fraud, such for example is the case of paper, plastic and electronic money, speculative transactions are also Ribā. Most Muslims including the scholars of Islām have now accepted that the paper, electronic and plastic money is halāl to the utter shame of our Prophet (ﷺ). This has fulfilled the ominous prophecy of our beloved prophet when he said,
“There will come a time, when you will not be able to find a single person in the world who will not be consuming Riba. And if anyone claims that he is not consuming Riba then surely the vapor of Riba (in another text the dust of Riba) will reach him.”– (Abu Dāwūd, Mishkāt)
The Last revelation On the authority of a Hadīth received from both Ibn Abbās and ‘Umar رضي الله عنهم, we know that the last revelation conveyed to the blessed Prophet عليه السلام shortly before his death, was the passage in Sūrah al-Baqarah (2: 278-281) of the Qur’ān which dealt with Ribā:
‘Umar Ibn al-Khattāb said : The last verse to be revealed was on Ribā, but Allāh’s Messenger was taken without having expounded it to us; so give up not only Ribā but also Reebah (whatever raises doubts in the mind about its rightfulness).- (Ibn Mājah, Dārimi)
“O you who believe, fear Allah and give up, from now onwards, what remain due to you from Ribā if you are indeed believers.. (up to) and none shall be dealt with unjustly. (Qur’ān, Sūrah al-Baqarah, 2: 278-281), Ibn Abbās said- “This was the last verse revealed to the Prophet”– (Sahīh Bukhāri)
Since Allāh Most high declared that He and His Messenger would wage war against those who persist in Ribā (2:279) and since this declaration of war is the last word from Allāh, it forms part of the very last revelation, it indicates the supreme importance that Allāh Most High attaches to this subject. Indeed, Allāh Most high gave a tremendous demonstration to Banu Isrāil of His capacity to wage war over Ribā and in doing so He taught a lesson which all of mankind should recall with fear!
The Jews rewrote the Torah to make it permissible for them to lend money on interest to the rest of mankind while yet prohibiting them from doing so with their fellow Jews (Deuteronomy, 23:20-21); but the divine prohibition of Ribā allowed for no such exceptions.
Allāh responded to this heinous crime by sending against them armies to destroy the Masjid al-Aqsa twice, but even when the Kāba was filled with idols, Allāh Most High intervened to save it from destruction (Qur’ān, al-Fil, 105: 1-5). Such is the state of the divine anger over the oppression caused by Ribā.
Fate awaits those who deal in Ribā!
All of humanity is now living in Ribā, the predatory global elite centered in the West but also present around the world is constantly sucking the wealth of mankind and impoverishing masses through Ribā. The Muslim governments all over the world keep on taking loans with interest from the IMF, the Muslim masses all over the world now take bank loans to buy cars and vehicles, pay education fees, buy a house, etc, without realizing that we have been enslaved by Ribā. We have fallen so low that we now have Masājid around the world that are being built with interest money.
Ribā is the reason why Pakistan, Indonesia, Venezuela, etc have remained in permanent poverty since they were born. We have reached this pathetic stage because we haven’t cared two peanuts for the Qur’ān, we have been brainwashed by the modern western education system where we have been taught the exact opposite to what is in the Qur’ān, the modern western civilization would have not survived had it not been for Ribā. They have continued to suck the wealth of mankind through their evil monetary system.
For all those who want to follow the western way be it a Muslim, Hindu, Jew, Christian or belonging to any other religious community all we say to them is wait for the great war (nuclear war) to take place which will completely destroy the modern western civilization, there would be nothing left of the modern West. Allāh, Most high wages war on the money lenders, and the modern western world is certainly without a shadow of a doubt the money lender of the world that has oppressed millions around the world.
Never had the world witnessed economic refugees flooding into the west prior to the birth of this mysterious modern western godless and decadent civilization.