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The Syria Deception

Updated: Jun 2, 2023

We begin with Allāh’s blessed name, we praise Him and we glorify Him, we pray for peace and blessings on the Blessed Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله تعالى عليه واله وسلم)


Sūrah Al-Hujurat 49:6

يٰۤاَيُّهَا الَّذِيْنَ اٰمَنُوْۤا اِنْ جَآءَكُمْ فَاسِقٌۢ بِنَبَاٍ فَتَبَيَّنُوْۤا اَنْ تُصِيْبُوْا قَوْمًۢا بِجَهَالَةٍ فَتُصْبِحُوْا عَلٰي مَا فَعَلْتُمْ نٰدِمِيْنَ

O you who have believed, if there comes to you a disobedient one with information and news, “investigate” (penetrate the reality), lest you harm a people out of ignorance and become, over what you have done, regretful.

We live in a time where everything around us is being blurred, the fog is covering our vision and our intellect and we are failing to understand the reality. Everybody accepts that we now live in Al-Ākhir Uz-Zamān, the End times, that we live in the age of ad-Dajjāl [The word ad-Dajjāl means the one who deceives, one who misleads others by a false appearance].

Despite of agreeing that this is the age of Dajjāl we still tend to swallow all that’s being thrown our way. There’s so much conveyed to us by the blessed Prophet ‘alaihissalām pertaining to the End times one of which is a Hadīth in Sunan Ibn Majah, 4036 “There will come to the people years of treachery, when the liar will be regarded as honest & the honest man will be regarded as a liar; the traitor will be regarded as faithful, & the faithful man will be regarded as a traitor; & the Ruwaibidah will decide matters.’ It was said: ‘Who are the Ruwaibidah?’ He said: ‘Vile & base men who control the affairs of the people.’”

Nabī Muhammad (ﷺ) warned us about these times where there will be “Great Liars” and that these liars will deceive people on a world scale, making everybody believe that what they are being fed with is indeed the truth.

The Sūrah par excellence of Al-Ākhir Uz-Zamān is Sūrah al-Kahf, Nabī Muhammad (ﷺ) linked this Sūrah with ad-Dajjāl. This Sūrah indeed has strategies to escape the fitan of the End times and in particular the fitna of ad-Dajjāl, one of the things this Sūrah conveys to us is that in the End times the appearance and the Reality will be completely different from each other so in order to be saved from the fitan of the end times one must penetrate the reality. But unfortunately, people don’t have time to penetrate the reality of things so they end up accepting whatever they see as “the reality” when in fact it is not and if you try to teach them the reality they say you are a madman. The world today is akin to the skin of a banana which has been tossed into a garbage-bin and is rotting. Those who have hearts that can penetrate that reality of the world today, are a people who consequently feel lost in what has become for them, an alien world that has already been symbolically reduced in their eyes to barren dust since it is a world now devoid of Nūr (or light). They have eyes yet cannot see, they have ears yet cannot hear, they have hearts but they don’t comprehend. They are just like cattle and more misguided.

One of the agonizing things for a Muslim living in these times is that of Syria. The West which is now known as “The Empire of Lies” has succeeded in deceiving and brainwashing masses all around the world, making them believe that Bashar al-Assad & President Putin are destroying Syria and bombing thousands of innocents in Syria but the reality is otherwise.

Nabī Muhammad (ﷺ) said it, that the people will be deceived and will regard the faithful as traitors & traitors as faithful. Anyhow we intend to deliver to you the reality of whatever is happening in Syria and expose the liars of Al-Ākhir Uz-Zamān, because penetrating the reality is a Hukm by Allāh (Sūrah Al-Hujurat 49:6). We also want to remind you, lest you be regretfull as Allāh warns us about in Sūrah Al-Hujurat 49:6.

“The world is at the table of lies, beware of what you are being fed with.”

Narrated Ibn `Umar: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “O Allāh! Bestow Your blessings on our Shām (Syria)! O Allāh! Bestow Your blessings on our Yemen.” The People said, “And also on our Najd.” He said, “O Allāh! Bestow Your blessings on our Shām (north)! O Allāh! Bestow Your blessings on our Yemen.” The people said, “O Allāh’s Messenger (ﷺ) ! And also on our Najd.” I think the third time the Prophet (ﷺ) said, “There (in Najd) is the place of earthquakes and afflictions and from there comes out the side of the head of Satan.” Sahih al-Bukhari, 7094

As we proceed towards the end of history the prophecies of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) are rapidly unfolding before our very eyes. Syria and Yemen are going through humanitarian catastrophe. The war in Syria has killed and displaced millions of people. But unfortunately, most of mankind pay no heed to the ominous prophecies that are unfolding in the world today including the followers of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).

There is a common enemy the whole of humanity faces today. A people who have a phd in deception and have power that none but only the Lord God can destroy. They are Gog and Magog (Ya’jūj and Ma’jūj), who created the Zionist movement. These are a people who have a mysterious agenda to rule over the whole world and hence establish one world order. In order to rule the world, they need each and every government to bend it’s knee before them and act on their behalf, so who so ever resists their rule, they will face oppression. This is the precise reason why they waged war on Syria.

Wesley Clarke – (A4 star general of the US army), “We have decided to take down 7 countries in 5 years, starting with Iraq, then Syria, Libya, Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off with Iran.”

Nabī Muhammad (ﷺ) said : “Woe to the Arabs, from the Great evil that is nearly approaching them. Today a gap has been made in the wall of Gog and Magog like this (and he made a symbol with his index finger and thumb).” Sahīh al-Bukhāri 7059

So Nabī Muhammad ﷺ is informing us that Gog and Magog will be behind the destruction and oppression in the Arab world, this is the reason why the world has witnessed bloodshed in countries like Palestine, Iraq, Yemen, Iran & Syria, but most of the Muslims still believe that Gog and Magog are blocked behind a wall.

Our eschatological view is that the main agenda of the Zionists is to establish Pax Judaica (Israel becoming the ruling state in the world). Israel cannot rule unless the Zionists are in total control of the middle east and install their pro Zionist governments in the Arab world. They destroyed Iraq and were spectacularly successful in Libya and Syria is one of their main targets as it shares it’s borders with Israel. The war in Syria is a war on the Assad regime, as they want a regime change and install a government that will work on their behalf because Assad has refused to bend his knee to the Zionists and hence they have played every dirty trick to bring Assad down.


Zionism in the Qur’ān

Sūrah Al-Ma’idah 5:51

يٰۤاَيُّهَا الَّذِيْنَ اٰمَنُوْا لَا تَتَّخِذُوا الْيَهُوْدَ وَالنَّصٰرٰۤي اَوْلِيَآءَ ۘؔ بَعْضُهُمْ اَوْلِيَآءُ بَعْضٍ ؕ وَمَنْ يَّتَوَلَّهُمْ مِّنْكُمْ فَاِنَّهٗ مِنْهُمْ ؕ اِنَّ اللّٰهَ لَا يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ الظّٰلِمِيْنَ

O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you – then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people.

Allāh is warning us not to take the Jews and the Christians as our friends and allies but, this can’t be about all Jews and all Christians because when we study rest of the Qur’ān there are several verses which indicate that Allāh could not be referring to all Jews and all Christians. So what Jews and what Christians? The answer lies in the same āyah, Allāh says that “they are friends and allies of each other” but never in history were the Jews and Christians friends and allies of each other until the Zionist movement emerged, so it’s with these Zionist Jews and Zionist Christians that we are prohibited to be in alliance with and if we do then Allāh says “we belong to them”.

So when we try to penetrate the reality we can recognise that those who are waging a so called Jihād in Syria are actually funded by the CIA which is a Zionist entity hence the Jihād that’s being waged is a Yankee Jihād.


The Zionist deception

The US tried to take down Iran using Saddam but they failed, they then tried to get to Iran directly in which they again failed and they then decided to go after Syria to get to Iran. They know that Syria and Iran have a mutual defence agreement so if NATO enters into Syria, Iran will automatically be drawn into the fight. This was about controlling the world’s oil supply and protecting the petrodollar. It is now known that the conflict in Syria is actually a proxy war run by US and NATO because If the US directly attacked Syria it wouldn’t have got the international support.

They are trying to dethrone Assad by arming & training the Syrian rebels whom they portray as freedom fighters, this has become their foreign policy to arm and fund the extremists to take down governments who belong to the “resisting camp (those who resist the Zionist rule)”. A great example is the Taliban.

And it’s also known that these US created extremist groups, governments and dictators are disposable, a great example is Saddam Hussein, they create them, use them against the enemies, then later demonize them which provides them a pretext for full on invasion.The Zionists plan is to install the so called Islamic governments, so that when these Islamic states are installed they can then cry out to the world that “Islām is rising” which is going to be a threat to the whole world and this is a direct warning to the Syrian rebels, the Yankee Jihādists who are being used by the Zionists to destabilize Syria.


False Flag

And if you think that these Syrian rebels are real Syrians then you are wrong, most of them are recruited from other countries, and guess what? “The world famous Uighur muslims” are already on the battlefield, thousands of them. The United States covertly has trained and armed these rebel fighters. France and United Kingdom have provided logistical and military support. We in Islamic eschatology would call such fighters as Dajjāl’s warriors as they are fighting on their behalf. These Yankee Jihadists go around butchering people while considering them “Wājib ul-Katl” they have butchered so many muslims just because they supported Assad, they’ve butchered the Orthodox Christians of Syria because they didn’t submit to Islām and only if Russia had not intervened in Syria then all of the Orthodox Christians of Syria would’ve already been slaughtered, but Alhamdulillah for President Putin, He not only saved the Christians of Syria but Syria as a whole.

On March 19, 2013 sarin gas was used in Syria near Aleppo and the blame was put on the Assad regime, the US and Israel promptly condemned the Syrian government for the attack even though most of them killed where the Syrian government soldiers. The UN went on to investigate the chemical attack and the investigator Carla Del Ponte on May 6th, 2013 went public stating that it was the Syrian rebels that had used the sarin gas. Russia’s UN ambassador Vitaly Churkin agreed with Del Ponte after Russian experts visited the location where the projectile attack had taken place and took their own samples from the material site. This was a proof that this was a false flag done by the rebels in order to get the United States to invade Syria, there was another chemical attack that was launched in October and then shortly after that the pentagon ordered air strikes on Syria.

On 21st March 2013, the prominent Sheikh of Damascus, Sheikh Mohammed Said Ramadan Al-Bouti was killed at the age of 84 in a suicide bombing that targeted a Masjid in Damascus. Sheikh Bouti was a vocal supporter of the Syrian regime since the early days of Assad’s father. Following the outbreak of the Syrian revolution in March 2011, Bouti (rahimahullāh) criticized anti-regime protests and urged demonstrators not to follow “calls of unknown sources that want to exploit masājid to incite seditions and chaos in Syria.”

However despite of Sheikh being Pro Assad & opposed the insurrection in Syria & sided with the Syrian government, they claimed that Assad was behind the attack. Well, it’s kind of foolish to kill a man who has a good influence on people & who supports you. That’s the Zionist Trademark!

The Sheikh was a threat to them not to Assad, they killed the Sheikh and put the blame on Assad as they always do. We have already explained who Zionists are & what Zionism is. But still there are these so called Sunni countries who are in friendship and alliance with them (the Zionists), Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey etc. Allāh says that if you side with them then you no more belong to us, you belong to them. Syria is resisting the Zionists & so did Libya, but they came over Libya first & were successful in dethroning Gaddafi because even his government belonged to the ‘camp of resistance.’

As we said the Zionists want to take down everyone of them who belongs to that camp. There’s a military strategy in which NATO is now revealing itself as increasingly operating to eliminate all those who are resisting the Zionist rule of the world .


Russian Intervention

Russia entered the conflict directly in 2015 with the deployment of its air force after they cited the 2011 NATO led intervention in Libya and the ensuing the chaos there as justification for vetoing measures in the UN security council that would have punished the Syrian regime. Though Moscow claimed its air strikes would primarily target the ISIS and al-Qaeeda, analysts said it more often targeted other rebel groups backed by the US. This helped Assad strengthen his control of population along the country’s western spine. Had Russia not intervened, Syria would have become another Libya and if the ISIS had taken control the orthodox Christians would have been slaughtered in a genocide.


Syria and Ukraine

While giving our eschatological views, it is very important to connect the dots and read history. In our opinion there are a lot of similarities between the war in Syria and the ongoing Russian military operation in Ukraine. The unrests in Syria started with the Arab spring protests on 15th March 2011, and slowly it escalated into a military intervention by the United States and NATO. We already explained how the Zionists used the chemical attacks and blamed it on the Assad regime so that they would get the causes bellum (that is justification for a military intervention). The main goal in Syria for the Zionists was to get Russia and NATO face to face with each other. Fortunately for mankind they haven’t succeeded in that plan yet.

In 2013 before the breakup of the Maidan, McCain and the CIA are known to have visited Ukraine to support/finance the Azov Battalion. McCain is the same person who created extremist groups in Syria, such as the Free Syrian Army, ISIS, etc. Then in 2014, dramatic events started taking place in Ukraine, they used their main weapon (the popular demonstrations) and overthrew a democratically elected pro-Russian government shamelessly and installed an anti- Russian government. The masterplan was to make Ukraine a NATO member which would have been dangerous for Russia but Putin intervened in Crimea and was strikingly successful by holding a referendum in which the people of Crimea voted in favor of Russia but, by installing an anti-Russian government in Ukraine the threat for Russia was always there. The Zelensky regime with their Nazi battalion oppressed the people of Donbass and NATO continued expanding eastwards. On 24th February 2022 Russia finally decided enough is enough and launched a special military operation in Ukraine.

Now, what is the connection between the events in Syria and Ukraine? We are of the opinion that while Syria was part 1 of their plan, Ukraine is part 2. They want to get a Russia- NATO face off which would deliver to them the great war that they desperately need as they did in Syria, they will do it in Ukraine. There will be a false flag which could be a chemical attack which they used in Syria but here they could go one step further and may use a nuclear weapon on Ukraine and blame Russia for it, NATO will then get involved in some way which could lead us to a full-scale confrontation between the two military superpowers. We would like to mention in both these cases, President Putin acted on behalf of the Qur’ān and used his power to punish the oppressors and saved the oppressed. Our view is that the great war has already begun in Syria and now is in its 2nd phase in Ukraine, where it is about to reach it’s climax with a nuclear confrontation between Russia and United States which would deliver to the Zionists, Pax Judaica i.e., Israel becoming the next ruling state in the world.


Syria post the great war

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ prophecised about one of the most dramatic event that will take place in Syria and that is the return of Jesus ‘alaihissalām, the true Messiah.

Here is the prophecy “Allah would send Jesus, son of Mary, and he will descend at the white minaret in the eastern side of Damascus wearing two garments lightly dyed with saffron and placing his hands on the wings of two Angels. When he would lower his head, there would fall beads of perspiration from his head, and when he would raise it up, beads like pearls would scatter from it. Every non-believer who would smell the odour of his self would die and his breath would reach as far as he would be able to see. He would then search for him (Dajjāl) until he would catch hold of him at the gate of Ludd and would kill him.” Sahih Muslim 2937

This not the full text of the Hadīth, we have just taken a part of it, which we felt is the most important to explain what it’s going to be like in Syria after the great war. There are several Hadīth concerning this subject alone but in order to keep our subject brief, we have quoted only this one. There are also Ahadīth that state Dajjāl will have an army of 70,000 Jews with him and that Imām Mahdi ‘alaihissalām will be about to lead the congregational prayer when Jesus descends in Damascus, after the Salāh is over Jesus will order the Imām to open the gates of the masjid and when Dajjāl (Anti-Christ) sees Jesus he will melt like salt melts in water, indicating he will run away within no time.

According to our views, this Hadīth indicates that before Allāh sends Jesusl ‘alaihissalām, Dajjāl with his army of 70,000 Jews would have surrounded the masjid in order to kill the Imam and impose Pax Judaica on the Muslim world as he would be our Khalifa at that time. The army of Dajjāl would be the Israeli defence force which would be the most powerful army at that time as the great war would have eliminated the two superpowers Russia/China and NATO. This Hadīth also gives us an indication that Syria would continue to remain destabilized even after the great war.


Personal Opinion

After the great war, the military power of Russia, China and NATO would be significantly reduced, and it is at that time Israel will be a military superpower of the world. Russia and NATO would no longer be present militarily in Syria and that is when Israel will look to invade Syria with their full might in order to expand its borders from river Euphrates to the river Nile. This is the precise reason why Syria will continue to remain unstable untill Dajjāl and Pax Judaica is not destroyed.

1 Comment

Dec 01, 2024

Jazakal khairan look forward to reading more of your articles inshallah 🙏🏾

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