In Allah’s blessed name, prayers and peace be upon the Messenger
Our current state of affairs is such that we either live in ignorance or we have chosen to comfortably become carbon copies of the current world order, approximately around three hundred years ago, an absolutely amazing and unique phenomenon in history took place when a civilization emerged so powerful that even a combination of all world powers could not challenge it, that civilization came to be known as the modern western civilization.The foundation of its power came from the dazzling industrial and technological revolution, but this civilization has ever since used that power to oppress mankind, it is the greatest oppressor on the stage of the world, it used its power to colonize almost every part of the world and when it decolonized it made sure that, that part of the land would eventually become carbon copies of them.
Does the Quran explain this western sunrise that has risen over whole of mankind, Allah says in the Quran,
"And We have sent down to you the Book as clarification for all things".
Surely the Quran does explain this momentous event in human history but unfortunately, the ummah of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) has never really been able to penetrate this subject, we cannot penetrate this subject using conventional or traditional scholarship, it is the model of scholarship of Khidr ‘alaihissalam which is required to penetrate this subject. We need to be at majma-ul-bahrain to understand this subject, a place where the two oceans of knowledge meet, knowledge which is externally acquired as well as knowledge that is internally recieved i.e., internal intuitive spiritual insight, Allah has given us a taste of Khidr’s ‘alaihissalam scholarship in Chapter 18 (surah Kahf) of the holy Quran, this is a surah par excellence of Akhir ul zaman, the surah takes us to an encounter between Khidr ‘alaihissalam and Musa ‘alaihissalam, the Prophet Moses, when Nabi Musa was with Al Khidr three events took place, and when we study those events we will come to a conclusion that the appearance and reality will be different from each other. Only with the model of scholarship of Al Khidr can we penetrate the reality in the end times. Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) has advised all the believers to recite Surah Kahf on every Friday to get Nur from Allah. Nur is exactly that spiritual insight which allows you to see what otherwise cannot.
The modern western civilization has the word Kafir written on its forehead, it is a civilization par of shirk, it has made Halal (permitted) what Allah made Haram (prohibited) and vice versa, here are few things that expose it’s godlessness
1) Legalization of man marrying another man and getting a marriage certificate and vice versa
Allah says in the Quran that He destroyed Sodom and Gamorrah as they practiced homosexuality, they were destroyed in such a way that they sank to the lowest part of the Earth and then Allah said: "I leave this as a sign for the people to come” meaning if you return to this (homosexuality), I will return with my punishment."
2) Feminist revolution
A sexual revolution that has taken us by storm, the modern western civilization says whatever right a man has, a women should also have the same right, so it is to our shame and disgrace that women have now assumed the functional role of a man in society, a women now wears formal clothing like men, works the same hour as men which leads her to abandon her duties and roles which were given to her by Allah, women no longer assume the functional role of a women which Allah has given in the Quran hence we can now see the dismantling of the family system in our society.
Allah says in the Quran,
"That, I have created the man and women like I have created the day and night (meaning each has it’s role to play and both are equally important)"
3) Scientifical and technological revolution
The rapid advancement of technology, from conventional weapons to nuclear and thermo nuclear weapons, from writing letters for communicating to sending a text message in a blink of an eye to any part of the world, the speed of travel from sea to air, globalization, the E-world with 4G, 5G and many more G’s to come which have electromagnetic radiations that harm the human body. Advancement in the field of science is so astonishing that scientists have now come up with age reversing process, artificial intelligence, and are also working on to get a dead body back to life. Although the technology has made our lives easier, we cannot turn a blind eye to the fact that we are being taken away from the nature that Allah created for us, so that we may live with His nature and creation, not with the meta verse of Zuckerberg (refer Surah Nahl 5-17).
4) Political and economic system
The secular world created by the modern western civilization does not recognise Allah as sovereign but it is the state that is sovereign, hence it is the state that decides on the laws to be followed by the people, this is the precise reason we have governments announcing that a girl can only marry after the age of 18 or some governments have also kept the age of marriage for a girl at 21, but Allah says in the Quran that a girl can marry once she has reached the age of puberty. The governments do not prohibit abortion at the age of 13, 14 but they disallow marriage even though marriage is half of our Imaan.The article 21 and 22 of the UN charter prohibits using Gold and silver as money, while real money in the Quran and sunnah of our Prophet is the gold dinar and the silver dirham and any commodity that has intrinsic value. They have given us a bogus and fraudulent monetary system which they are using to exploit and enslave mankind, it is a system where the rich have remained permanently rich and the poor are sinking into permanent poverty and destitution.
Dajjal (Anti-Christ) – Mastermind behind the modern western civilization
Our eschatological point of view is that it is Dajjal who has created the modern western civilization, as explained in our previous blogs, Dajjal has three shadows before he appears in human form and we have interpreted those shadows to be Pax Britannica, Pax Americana and Pax Judaica, it is this unholy triple alliance of Britain, United State of America and Israel that controls power in the modern west. They have given us their own system and we are blindly following them into the lizard’s hole. Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) prophesized that we will follow this Judeo-Christian alliance in the coming future.
Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “You will follow the ways of those nations who were before you, span by span and cubit by cubit (i.e., inch by inch) so much so that even if they entered a hole of a mastigure, you would follow them.” We said, “O Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) ! (Do you mean) the Jews and the Christians?” He said, “Whom else?” Sahīh Bukhari 7320
With power modern western civilization also has a phd in deception, they have used the mainstream media, internet and various platforms to make people believe that the material world is the only world and knowledge comes from only experimentation and external sources, it has used the sun to distinguish time, our days, months and years are all calculated by the sun, this is the precise reason we have lost harmony with Allah’s creation and hence most of mankind now perceives time moving faster and yet faster,
Allah says in the Quran he made moon as a reflection of light with precisely ordained phases so that it could be used to calculate time,
"He is the One Who made the sun a radiant source and the moon a reflected light, with precisely ordained phases, so that you may know the number of years and calculation ˹of time˺.
Allah did not create all this except for a purpose. He makes the signs clear for people of knowledge.
The modern west has also used its bogus monetary and economic system to enslave mankind, it has given us the banking system which has further taken us away from the religious way of life, most people now take loans from banks knowing it involves interest/usury but who cares of what Allah says? Indeed, all of mankind has fallen into this pit, the Prophet ‘alaihissalam said
“A time is certainly coming to mankind when only the receiver of usury will remain, and if he does not receive it some of its vapour (or alternatively, its dust) will reach him.” Mishkat al Masabih 2818
The same interest/riba that Allah warned us about in the Quran, we are very much comfortable in getting ourselves into it. We now have fixed deposit accounts, which makes sure our money is fixed and immovable, what this does is to stop the money from circulating in the economy, a clear abandonment of the way of the life of our beloved Prophet who said that the money should always keep circulating in the economy, we invest in stock markets, today’s stock market is not the stock market that our Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) used to invest in, because the money we use does not have intrinsic value, hence the value of money keeps on fluctuating, this makes investing in stocks nothing less than gambling.
We as an ummah have either lost the fear of Allah and now have decided to be carbon copies of the west or we have lost the capacity to think and hence to penetrate the reality of the times we live in,
A terrible fate awaits us if we continue being in such a state of negligence, Surah Al-Baqarah 2:279
"And if you do not (give up interest and usury), then be informed of a war [against you] from Allah and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may have your principal – [thus] you do no wrong, nor are you wronged".
The Prophet (ﷺ) said about Ad-Dajjal that he would have water and fire with him: (what would seem to be) fire, would be cold water and (what would seem to be) water, would be fire. Sahih Bukhari 7130
Most people now lust for high profile jobs and a better standard of living, most of them have left their places of origin and migrated to countries in the west, it’s astonishing to find the number of Indians and Pakistanis now living abroad, they think west is heaven, and have permanently settled in the west believing that this is the best world and living in India and Pakistan is hell, there are reasons for why this stunning migration has happened in the past thirty to forty years, people think they will be permanently financially stable, have more wealth than those living in the place of origin due to stronger hard currency, live lavishly. But, to their surprise they have been taken for a ride by the mastermind of this civilization, they think the western world glitters like gold because Dajjal showed them the road to heaven but in reality, it is a road to the hellfire and places with no mega buildings, huge malls, bars, pubs, fast metropolitan life, etc Dajjal says that such places are hell but in reality it is the road to heaven.
If we are able to penetrate the true reality of the modern world, we know that there is a tomorrow coming when the sun will set on the modern western civilization, once this civilization perishes all those on board will perish, this civilization is now on it’s way out with momentous events taking place in the world exactly as prophesized by Prophet Muhammad. The great war which is coming (already begun in Ukraine), will destroy the modern western civilization.
We pray to Allah in this blessed month of Ramadan to give us Nur (light) so that we can penetrate this subject and get off board the ship which is sinking.
May Allah forgive us for our shortcomings and guide us to the straight path.